All tagged vanity

Budget Bathroom Vanity Makeover

I think my vanity is 50 years old. It has layers and layers of old paint on it… purple, yellow red, peach, navy and who knows. Well, since I am not able to replace it yet… I totally want to build an AWESOME one… I decided what is one more layer of paint!?! Well another layer of paint and some scraps and I transformed this vanity into something that will last til I can build a new one.

Top Builds of 2017

Sometimes I question if doing this business is worth it. The long hours, the wondering where the next job will come from, the not so glamorous wardrobe that I wear all the time, the messy hair/no makeup look..... and then I sit down and review all the things I built in 2017. Yes, yes, yes it was all worth it!!! I can't believe I get to and was able to make so many awesome things!!!!